Xbox Cloud Gaming tests mouse and keyboard for PC

Xbox Cloud Gaming
Xbox Cloud Gaming

Calling all PC gamers! Xbox Cloud Gaming paves the way towards advanced game control options by supporting the classical mouse-keyboard setup, as of the most recent beta version. An important part of this is that you still need to have an Xbox Game Pass Ultimate subscription to use the cloud gaming feature. To get early access to this feature, you need to be in the Alpha Skip-Ahead ring of the Xbox Insider program.

Don’t get confused, the adventure isn’t over yet! From now on we will see some games like Fortnite, Halo Infinite, or Sea of Thieves available with ultra-precision mouse and keyboard movements. While some titles may suddenly come up with controller icons, they will cleverly adjust themselves to your newly set up re-controller.

However, there is a catch. Currently, this ability is only applicable to those with a PC, Chrome, Edge Games browser, or the Xbox app. In contrast, mobile gamers won’t need to make changes in the short term.

However, while the company has avoided sharing details about future steps, the move towards the addition of operating systems to the process seems inevitable. Using the Alt+F9 shortcut to quickly and reliably convert a controller to a mouse/keyboard multiplies the number of features this game offers you.

This beta test, which is the first ever for Xbox Cloud Gaming, is a big step forward, giving PC gamers who have long used a mouse and keyboard the opportunity to enjoy Xbox gaming on PC. As Internet cloud gaming becomes more and more sophisticated, Microsoft will accelerate competitiveness by removing limitations.