Wear OS watches get a tiny but useful upgrade

Wear OS
Wear OS

Have you ever looked at your smartwatch while installing an app and been concerned about the time the process is taking; Well, don’t worry anymore! Wear OS is bringing a subtle but very appreciated improvement: you no longer need to wait for your phone to check for an installation progress prompt, because you can now access it on your wristwatch.

We know you think this is too simplistic since smartphones have had this feature for a long time. However, the important thing here for users of Wear OS devices is that this is just an upgrade. The leaked screen capture shows this app’s sliding progress in the app drawer, where an icon takes up the system but still fills a useful percentage.

The latest version did not receive an official announcement from Google, yet some users are already enjoying its benefits. It is not clear whether this function is supported in a certain version of Wear OS, which would mean that you will have to wait a while if you have not seen it yet.

Such a small change may seem insignificant but it happens as Google improves the core operating system of Wear OS. They seem minor but still help make your smartwatch feel even more comfortable to use.

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