Unresolved: Google’s Gemini image generator bias


Key Points:

  • Despite promises, Google has yet to rectify the biased image generation capabilities of its AI chatbot Gemini, which inaccurately portrays historical figures and stereotypes.
  • The issue was acknowledged by Google’s CEO Sundar Pichai in February, with assurances from DeepMind’s co-founder Demis Hassabis of a swift solution. However, months later, the problem persists.
  • The delay underscores the complexity of addressing biases in AI, particularly in training datasets skewed towards certain demographics, requiring nuanced solutions to avoid perpetuating stereotypes.

In February, Google faced backlash for Gemini, its AI chatbot, generating images perpetuating racial stereotypes. Despite CEO Sundar Pichai’s apology and promises of a quick fix, the issue lingers. At the recent I/O developer conference, Google showcased other Gemini features but admitted that image generation remains disabled due to ongoing biases.

The challenge lies in the underlying datasets, which predominantly feature images of white individuals, perpetuating biases in AI. Google’s attempts to rectify this through coding adjustments have proven inadequate, highlighting the complexity of addressing systemic biases. As the saga continues, it serves as a stark reminder of the uphill battle in combating AI biases, with no easy fixes in sight.