TikTok faces faster fate in senate: divest or be banned


The future ahead for TikTok looks more bleak and even brighter today. A law that originally wanted to ban China-based ByteDance from selling or losing the app was stuck in the Senate. However, the turn of events came from the Johnson-headed House Speaker, who directly included the item on the fast-track idea of a foreign aid key.

This new package brings together the TikTok bill with sanctions on Bosnia and Iran and protections regarding users’ data. The Senate could reject the bill on foreign aid grounds, but it serves as an incentive for the Senate to avoid disregarding the TikTok legislative provision entirely.

the stakes are high. This has raised concerns among US officials, as the app could give China a chance to obtain your data or even change your mind. TikTok argues that this does not happen, pointing out that all Americans’ data remains within the country.

However, there is a twist. Stalwart Senator Cantwell, who had a close-to-the-vest approach before the amendment, is now on board. This will not only increase the time to complete the sale from six months to one year, which is likely to pose legal hurdles for ByteDance but will also reduce these hurdles.

Although such a predicament has been called a “victory” by some national security policymakers, others do not consider it a reasonable compromise with free speech for America and America’s businesses. TikTok itself reasons that a ban would greatly harm millions of users and harm the United States’ GDP.

Selepas melantik pasukan melakukan semakan. Will the Senate focus on national security first or will the Senate be slower to advance the bill, which also concerns free speech and economic impact? Only time will tell.

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