Samsung Galaxy S24, S23 and S22 now support Gemini AI

Gemini Nano
Gemini Nano

We are looking for all members of the Samsung S22, S23, or S24 community. Here’s a hot tip for you, messaging just got smarter with Gemini AI. It’s not just an auto-correct program. This is your text album, help-boot up, I’m thinking of you, and even keeping an eye on your plans.

Curious? Here’s the scoop. As long as you have a Pixel or Samsung Galaxy phone (S22 version and newer), you are eligible to join the beta testing program. If Gemini chooses to chat with you shortly, they may choose you to chat. Whether you’re Canadian, just follow these simple steps: Initial RCS messaging setup and the language you speak Google whether it’s English or French.

Once you log in to Gemini, it becomes even easier as you can start crypto trading immediately after logging in. The Google Messages app will take out all the technicalities and then you will be eligible to get right to starting successful conversations. Saving time would be my other problem because I would use that time to type that smart line I thought of. Need to create a birthday message and lack inspiration? Gemini is your AI wingman. Plus, it’s easy to manage events and tasks, creating a holistic way of life for you so you can have meaningful conversations without missing anything.

However, this functionality is included now and is only for beta testers, but if it becomes widely available later, text messages will be in serious competition with it. So, the O-word Samsung Galaxy S22, S23, and S24 will receive beta invites soon. Use Gemini, to choose your future of messaging.

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