Quick Share gets a smoother ride with Material Design 3

Quick Share
Quick Share

We’ll help you enjoy an even better experience when it comes to transferring files for quick share. The Material Design language, which has been updated, will now be visually required by Google for its already existing wireless sharing service.

This change explains the progress animation that you see inside a file operation. The circular series with straight sticks or blades has been said goodbye to. Conversely, the bar will have a new design to indicate progress. It is colored and falls along a dividing line. It’s like imagining a train running on a circular track, cushioned and smooth. “Track” and “indicator” agreement ratios are visually contrasted for faster transfer progress assessment at a glance.

However, shrinking margins aren’t exactly the opposite of a good thing. The new animation does not have the improved shape with all rounded vertices which conforms to MD3 guidelines. Plus, it can match the color of your phone for a personalized experience in every way.

Although this adjustment seems like a minor touch, this intricate detail is one of the many that defines Google’s Material U design. This gives us the advantage of going one level up in terms of an unmatched and refined experience that compares with what both Android and iOS currently offer.

It seems like this is some kind of gradual rollout via server-side flip, so some people may not see it at first. However, with so many dependencies, it will probably reach most Android devices in the next few days. Thus, check out the improved Pro Sharing to be introduced soon!