Pixel Users Rejoice: WhatsApp integration gets a boost on Google phones


The assembly of Google Pixel phones integrates exceptionally well with Google services; Additionally, the experience also goes up a notch for those who frequently use WhatsApp. To accomplish this, Pixel phones recently introduced top-up support to direct recent WhatsApp calls to the Phone app.

It simply means that it is a carryover of your old call or WhatsApp voice call. Click once on your Phone app and you will get a recent WhatsApp call along with your green call.

This integration guarantees a less-cluttered experience for those who heavily use WhatsApp for communication. Now calling is like recreating the old app. You can view call history and access chats with contacts or directly start a cuppa, or a video call and do it all just within the phone app interface.

Apart from the fact that details about this update are emerging, we can now say with confidence that this is quite the add-on for Pixel users who want to comfortably handle their calls without limiting themselves to one platform. Would love to be able to.