Meta rejects Google’s Android XR partnership offer

Android XR
Android XR

Tech giants don’t consistently see eye to eye, even when it comes to the future of the generation. In a shocking move, Facebook and Quest VR headset employer Meta have reportedly rejected Google’s partnership offer for its Android XR platform.

What is Android XR?

It’s essentially Google’s working machine designed specifically for extended truth (XR) devices like VR headsets and AR glasses. By partnering with Google, Meta’s Quest will benefit from access to the vast library of apps available on the Google Play Store, potentially increasing its user base and content material.

Why the rejection?

Although the exact motives are still unknown, business insiders speculate that Meta may be concerned about revenue sharing. Google Play offerings typically take extensive cuts from app sales and subscriptions, which can potentially reduce Meta’s profits. Additionally, integrating Android XR could limit Meta’s control over its platform, hindering its long-term vision for the XR ecosystem.

What is next?

Despite the rejection, Google is ready to collaborate with other agencies on Android XR. Meanwhile, Meta is reportedly in talks with LG Electronics to develop new Quest VR devices, to maintain the software program ecosystem for its XR products.


This news highlights the continuing conflict shaping the destiny of the XR generation. While Meta and Google have adopted extraordinary strategies, the growing involvement of corporations like Apple and Samsung signals an interesting destiny for this broader era.

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