Meta opens up, wants Google Play Store on Horizon OS for VR Expansion

Meta Horizon OS
Meta Horizon OS

Meta’s Quest VR headsets have enjoyed considerable success in the market, which can partly be attributed to their easy-to-use Horizon OS. Now, Meta is taking a big step: they are not only adding other companies including manufacturers, device makers, and application developers into their Horizon OS sandbox but also providing this OS as a free VR and MR service. are doing.

Therefore, many doors start opening resulting in innumerable possibilities. Imagine Asus ROG VR glasses that you wear and are powered by Horizon OS. These glasses are designed for hardcore gamers. Or imagine Lenovo using the platform for a multiyear headset plan that can be used in the workplace, learning, and entertainment.

But wait, there’s more! Although Meta is working on a new headset with Xbox-like features, it looks like it’s aiming more at serious VR fans. With them, they are now going to integrate a one-stop-shop-like experience for their app store with an “App Lab” that provides exclusive access to developer’s software designs. This has the potential to be a revolutionary experience creating VR!

In terms of games, the data storage unit that Meta envisions will be the most comprehensive of them all. He specifically asked Google itself to launch Google Space Store under Horizon OS. This twist is also interesting, considering that some time ago Meta had announced non-cooperation in Google’s proposal for collaboration on Android XR. What could have happened that he had to change his decision?

Meta emphasizes user choice: in fact, they have made it possible to play Xbox Game Pass as well as Steam Link and Air Link to be streamed through them. The rest, where they might be more suitable for 2D apps, would be in the Play Store, as they offer more variety. This also leads to better revenue sharing among developers, with some analysts proposing that the Google Play Store has a better economic model.

However, there is a catch. The meta doesn’t explain what a 2D app store means. So, this is probably what they mean by VR/XR not being integrated. If the financial situation continues at this pace then the company will face a crisis by the end of the year. One thing is certain: the future of VR and MR will now also be available for new devices coming to Horizon OS with expansions and the Play Store in mind!

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