Help From Above: Android’s Satellite SOS arrives soon

Google Satellite SOS
Google Satellite SOS

Filling all rootless and fully committed individuals with a longing for the wilderness! Good news for Android users beyond the cell service life, Android 12, the latest version of the operating system, has become the bud in hand that enables them to function properly currently. Google is taking steps to patent the Silicon Valley SOS so that it may have the only option in an emergency.

This is the time when satellite messaging is available for iPhone users which helps them to get rid of their anxiety for a long time, i.e. sending SOS signals and texts, even in places where communication is limited. With any luck, the wait for Android phones and their equivalents is getting shorter.

It seems that Satellite SOS has been secretly filling the internet with hints about a function coming soon. This is illustrated by hidden code lines in the iOS operating system, and even Google Messages is now hinting at it. Unlike Apple, which is expected to unveil a native integration for the Emergency SOS feature on iPhones later in the year, leaked screenshots have indicated that Google could use Messages as a delivery platform for this important functionality. Is.

With less than a month to go before launch time, the entire team is feeling excited and ready in their seats. In the upcoming I/O event (Google’s May I/O event) to be held in May, we may get to know more about the Satellite SOS initiative as Google will be the one to shine the light during the said initiative. events. Next in line is the innovation the author writes about that is going to add another tool to Android utilities; Rescue will be delivered with just the click of a button to those who are no longer just on the mainland but on the other side of the world.

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