Hackers crash Apex Legends championship in bizarre mid-match takeover

Apex Legends
Apex Legends

Professional players had the dream of representing their teams at the Apex Legends Championship this weekend, but it turned into a nightmare. The Global Series event in North America has been abruptly halted after an electronic attack on two main competitors during live-streaming on the field.

Imagine winning a life-changing competition match, but suddenly your character develops human reaction as well as wall vision and because of that you become successful not because of your skills but because of hacks, However, the full story of Imperial Hall and Jenberton will come to your mind when you think of the following phrase – the nightmare situation he co-faced, TSM and DarkZero Dark.

What part of the app caused the hacking is under review, and some suggest a possible security hole in the program’s anti-cheat software. A message of harassment from “Destroyer2009 and R4NDOM” suddenly popped up in Jenberton’s chat channel, followed by a horrifying scene of the aimbot interface filling the screen and treating his computer as his toy.

Few things compared to the clarity with which the issue became apparent when Imperial Hall also revealed that their account had also been hacked. In this incident, the competitive spirit was lost and the crews suffered losses, so the final had to be postponed. On EA and Respawn’s part, rumors about their safety and audience trauma have been running in the silent background increasing their concern.

All eyes are now on the official Respawn Entertainment account on Twitter, where “more details will be revealed soon”. The first such attack eclipsed the game as well as its existence, raising concerns about the game’s security measures.