Google will begin showing “additional choice screens” for users setting up an Android device in the EEA

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According to the latest report, Google also announced yesterday that they will begin showing “additional choice screens” for users setting up an Android device in the EEA. When setting up a new phone or tablet distributed in the EEA on or after March 6, 2024, users will see these new browser and search engine choice screens.

To participate in the search choice screen, search providers must operate a “general search service”, provide local or English language support in the countries they apply to participate, have an app that’s freely available via Google Play, meet Chrome’s requirements to become a default search provider, support the latest version of Android within 90 days of release, and have a minimum of 5000 installs. The search choice screen is only shown on devices where the OEM preinstalls the Google Search app and places the Google Search box on the home screen.

To participate in the browser choice screen, the browser must declare ROLE_BROWSER in Android, have an app that’s freely available via Google Play, support HTTPS, provide local or English language support in the countries where they apply to participate, support the latest version of Android within 90 days of release, and have a minimum of 5000 installs. The browser choice screen will appear on phones and tablets in the EEA on which Chrome is set as a default per an agreement between Google and its partners.

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