Google Wallet now fetches tickets from Gmail

Google Wallet
Google Wallet

Imagine this: You were preparing your breakfast, skimming your emails for boarding passes as your clock ticked fast forward. Or maybe it’s about how you wander down the sidewalk and look for memories of a place you visited just minutes ago. Let’s say this was the case earlier also, but now those days have been said goodbye to due to the latest Google Wallet update.

This is certainly no big deal thanks to this smart app, which is associated with your Gmail account and can now automatically pull your boarding passes and movie tickets right from your Gmail inbox! No more what we’d call email hunts or zapping screengrabs. Here’s the exciting part: Google is committed to expanding this service, and it will be rolling out to many more airlines and movie theater chains soon.

But wait, there’s more! Finally, Google has also added the collections feature in the latest launch of Google Wallet. This also translates to feeling that you can’t leave your app’s main screen without deleting it forever. Keeping all your digital wallet items organized has never been easier.

Samsung Wallet doesn’t offer much yet, but I hope they look at Google and wait for users to start prioritizing convenience because we know Google is better at what users want! However, Google is offering this rollout with Google Wallet, which will save time and whoever has multiple tickets and wants a cleaner experience will win out.


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