Google Wallet now accepts Apple Wallet passes

Google Wallet
Google Wallet

Android users using Passes may find it challenging to manage these passes. Relief is finally here! The combination of Google Wallet’s functions and the ability to recognize the .pkpass file format used by Apple Wallet has eliminated one of the most common problems introduced by this service. From now on, this means that in case of unpleasant situations, the transfer of tickets is done directly to Google Wallet without any accidental third-party apps.

In the past, the EPAL format of life, more precisely, these types of tickets (like movie tickets or boarding passes) were not confirmed in Google Wallet. Here, Android users have to download a separate app to use these passes which leads to unnecessary and additional worries.

This story is from a person known as a top Android expert (Mishaal Rahman). It was a new functionality in the Google Wallet app that led one user to come up with this trick. It was shared by Keaton as one of his YouTube viewers. When you do this, a .pkpass file opens with Google Wallet, and then all you have to do is scan your credit card. The initial display of the app will show a preview of the pass so you can double-check its details before adding it to your wallet.

The entire feature is not widely available yet, as it is being released at the moment, and not everyone may notice it right away. Make sure you have the current version of the Google Wallet app where the feature can be provided to you initially. With this add-on, we’ve made sure you get every opportunity to be consistent with your passwords, no matter where they come from. By using just one, you’ll never need to deal with conflicting apps – Google Wallet is your insurance policy!

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