Google Wallet accepts Apple Wallet passes (mostly)

Google Wallet
Google Wallet

Android users, who frequently work with digital passes and tickets, can enjoy – thanks to this! Google Wallet is starting to include support for Apple Wallet and its .pkpass file format and once you have them in one place, you’ll be able to import them directly. So, instead of some complicated digital PIN or the like, you get a chance to say goodbye to that stressful phone-switching process or using different pass apps.

Treat .pkpass files as a configuration item that you need to gain access to these passes. Google Wallet can be “Google Wallet” now understands this format and you can import information using apps like parking permits, concert tickets, and even loyalty cards. Think of using your Android phone to make wireless vehicle payments as iPhone users do.

But that’s the point: small talk. Although it can be applied in many places online, it is not flawless. Some sites or apps can be blocked by adding the pass directly to Google Wallet. Nowadays you can use the “Add to Apple Wallet” button that often only appears on iPhones.

However, there is a wonderful way to get around the problem. Converting their iPhone to Transit Pass on the iPhone platform will involve sending the pass file via messaging, which is a .pkpass file. No matter how you organize, you’ll always be able to easily import them into Google Wallet thanks to the iPhone. Working in a pinch is not without its difficulties, but it is still possible.

The long-term success of these changes will benefit Android lovers in the future. Consumers can now experience more convenient services as big brands have integrated their passes with both Apple Pay and Google Wallet. It may be that some potholes along the line need to be fixed now, but this will be the foundation of a future system that will more seamlessly integrate the management of digital passes.