Google TV adds theme tags

Google TV
Google TV

Having a hard time selecting a movie from the numerous streaming options? Then Google TV comes in handy! Recently, they introduced a new feature on their homepage that displays short theme tags alongside their movie recommendations.

Imagine scrolling through “Top Picks for You” and seeing a film with the comedy-tragedy mask icon next to it and then words like hilarious, heartwarming, coming-of-age. These brief tags tell you everything you need to know about the tone of the movie and its genre so that you do not have to waste any more of your precious browsing time.

For example, Dunkirk might be described as harrowing, intense, and inspiring which will give you a much better understanding of Christopher Nolan’s intense WWII drama than just a one-liner blurb.

These tags appear unique to each movie and do not seem anywhere else within the Google TV interface. Though it is unclear where these descriptors come from (perhaps user reviews?), they encapsulate the spirit of the film and may prove decisive when choosing your next cinematic journey.

It is worth mentioning that this functionality works only with movies at present. But soon your favorite television shows as well as YouTube content are likely to contain such labels. Given this trend of more informative movie recommendations, it is easier than ever now for Google TV users to find the right film for them at any particular moment.

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