Google Search gets a surprise AI upgrade for some users

Google Search
Google Search

Besides that most recent feature, let’s not forget about the new AI experimental feature that Google released last year. If you mean to hire an employee he or she has to sign in through the “search bar”? Shake, shake, between the lines, regarding Google, a revolution is taking place! AI has now been introduced into US search results and the summaries that are being generated even when users do not explicitly opt-in are showing extremely positive and insightful results.

This “SGE” (Search Generative Experience) seeks to provide a human-like search experience in which the language resembles human speech. Just think about those times when you typed the word “Google” and asked, “How do I remove paint stains from walls?” And AI will answer. This search will be parallel or duplicate of the link.

This small-scale launch appears to be a way for Google to reach out to unsuspecting consumers and not just tech lovers who are members of the ‘Google Labs Club’. And besides, SGE will solve difficult questions initially. Which, perhaps, will later become an important tool for conducting complex searches.

Google has not yet revealed any plans for SGE; But since they have hinted in the words of their executives that “more is coming soon”, then the Google-owned smartphone could be likely to be introduced worldwide shortly. Thus, the next time you Google something and get a friendly article help generated by AI, don’t criticize. Rather be happy that we have such tools.

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