Google removes phone number requirement for 2FA


Key Points:

  • Without having to go through the process of implementing 2FA, Google helps its users by getting rid of phone number entry.
  • One of the options, of course, is the use of authentication apps, or substitute methods like hardware security tokens, which are implemented for greater security.
  • This will strengthen how vetting processes are conducted by reducing the use of less secure SMS.

After so many cases of hacking and data breaches, Google has brought a much-needed upgrade to its two-factor authentication (2FA) process. The tech giant moved past the notion that supplying a phone number was necessary so they simplified and strengthened the authentication journey.

Originally, a user would be tied to the account security method provided by the company, however, nowadays, this can be widely varied, allowing users to use additional means such as Google Authenticator or hardware security keys.

The migration to RennNa offers Google users the chance to avoid SMS verification, and thus they will be more secure. There are two scenarios for people using G-Suite or personal multiple accounts; Because this update is available for everyone. Administrators and those who want to explore the intricacies of the process can read an outline containing actual details of the implementation.