Google Pixel makes steady gains, capturing 3% of North American smartphone market

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Google’s Pixel phones are still taking time to establish a reputation, no matter how tough and lucrative it may be, with so many other competitors on the market. Tech giant Pixel has surpassed last year in terms of sweet-smelling growth in 2023, selling 10 million devices as a record number. This price elasticity continued in Q4 when Google had a dominant share of the North American smartphone market at 3%.

While Apple (62%) and Samsung (18%) still rule North America, Google is also steadily taking market share. This 3% share represents a significant increase from last year’s 1% and adds further evidence to the current trend of these smartphones.

The smartphone sector continues to be a collision course of key and important players/actors across the globe. Apple continues to dominate the market for both touch screens and LCD, while Samsung is also in a competitive position, although it is worth noting that its market share in LCD has declined compared to last year. But Chinese brands like Xiaomi, Honor, and Huawei, for example, are becoming stars in the market by registering an unprecedented 100 percent growth in electric software.

This is another success for the company after two other potentially lucrative news. First of all, it’s been shown that Pixel phones have sold well in Japan, the phone being introduced in a country beyond its home base shows that its appeal is growing. And Wave7 Research data blows no trumpets: Google maintained the same 3% market position on major US carriers over the holiday season period. Their possibilities of expansion beyond regular outlets can be further described.

In the face of the mobile phone field that may never change, Google’s Pixels are particularly a trend where they seem to be rising remarkably. This area is already well prepared and the continued growth of Tango as well as its increasing popularity gives us an insight into the future that the smartphone ecosystem could be led by Google.
