Google Photos to introduce handy notification feed

Google Photos
Google Photos

Key Points:

  • Google Photos will feature a new “Sharing Activity” page to streamline notifications for shared content.
  • The “Sharing Activity” page will act as a social feed for likes, comments, and new additions to shared albums.
  • A revamped Storage Manager with a new storage meter will help users manage and reclaim storage space more effectively.

Google Photos, already a user-friendly tool for managing large photo libraries, is set to become even more efficient with the introduction of a “Sharing Activity” page. This new feature aims to simplify the tracking of social interactions within the app, including likes, comments, and newly added photos in shared albums.

The “Sharing Activity” page, identified in Google Photos version for Android, replaces the sharing icon at the top right of the app with a notification icon. This page will function as a social feed, making it easy to see when someone interacts with your shared photos or albums. Notifications will include who liked a photo, who commented, and who added new pictures or joined an album. Additionally, the app will notify you when you’re added to a shared album, including the name of the person who added you.

Currently, viewing social interactions within Google Photos’ shared albums is cumbersome. The new “Sharing Activity” page promises to centralize this information, making it more accessible without removing the existing Shared Links page, which will remain available through the overflow menu.

In addition to these social features, Google Photos is also testing a revamped Storage Manager. This update includes a new storage meter that shows how much space you can reclaim by deleting items from different categories. As you delete items, the meter updates to reflect the freed storage space.

With these updates, Google Photos continues to enhance its functionality, ensuring users can manage their photos and storage more efficiently while staying connected with their shared content.