Google Photos might offer customizable deletion timings

Google Photos
Google Photos

The latest version of the Google Photos app (v6.79.0.624777117) gives a hint that it will add a new feature to label photos as “deleted” which will make managing our photos much easier. There is a complex note hidden beneath the code, which allows users to configure their destruction timeline of the row of items in the trashcan.

Here, the word configurable in the code brings out the crux of the issue. This means that the time window is set dynamically (currently 60 days after the deleted items are backed up). This probably includes a setting whereby you’ll be able to specify one month for file persistence – after which the file will be permanently deleted. The app will then adjust to your time limit preference and make your in-app messaging dynamic.

For example, Google Photos currently deletes backed-up items (of the corresponding user) after thirty days and unbacked-up items after sixty days on a one-size-fits-all basis. These newly discovered lines of code go beyond the possible fact that users may customize this process in the future.

But, it should also be emphasized that the functional features exposed are not 100% fixed source code and are not always part of the final rollout. Nonetheless, this string of words is a step towards raising expectations for what will come in this update (v.6.80). We will continue to monitor and confirm the next steps as well as any authentic implementations. Then again, Google Photos may come up with a completely separate feature to declutter the main photo area that may be more advanced concerning the general management of the Photos app.

The string in question is the following:

<string name=”photos_trash_ui_empty_state_caption_configurable”> {count, plural, =1{Items in the trash are deleted after # day} other{Items in the trash are deleted after # days}} </string>

This new string replaces the previous string that’s found in older Google Photos versions:

<string name=”photos_trash_ui_empty_state_caption”> Items in the trash are deleted after 60 days </string>

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