Google Messages introduces option to disable reaction effects

Google Messages
Google Messages

Key Points:

  • The Google Messages app > Features Messages once again has a setting to turn off expressive animations like reaction effects and emoticons.
  • The new area, located in the drop-down menu of the app’s Settings, enables these animated emoji to be replaced, replacing them with emoji shapes.
  • This functionality is found in a previously released beta version of Google Messages, with the full fixed variant expected to be available soon.

In its latest release, new Google Messages features now allow users to go offline with expressive animations as an option within the application. We also provide elements such as reaction effects and animated emojis that many users may not find useful or appropriate.

The settings for this app can be accessed by entering the app settings menu along with the toggle box for “Show expressive animations”. With the option to turn off this option and save all animated emojis as regular emojis, users who prefer to keep it less complicated may now be able to do so.

Search engines will also not return fullscreen screen effects and reaction effects. Nevertheless, a real-time response that only a message can provide is still possible, although, this time, with much less speed.

The current update that is located in the Google Messages beta version has a more custom solution; Google first recommends that animations should be turned off systemwide. These users were happy to explore commands and discover new ways to communicate without sacrificing functionality.