Google Drops the Ball: A Pixel-perfect Pi day tease missed

Pixel 8
Pixel 8

Google (a.k.a. the lord of marketing stunts) missed April’s chance to put something sarcastic out there, to refer to the 2024 release of the newest Pixel 9 flagship smartphone, coming up amid Pi Day (March 14 – the day that is all across

Pur ve likely initiated, the RV. blowing is knowledge of blog constant, p (pi), whi (starts with: “3.14.”) Google involved the Pixel phones at this time last year and the previous year to symbolize these Pi (π) digits. However, they just dialed it back a notch by exhibiting the first eight digits (3.1415926) of the golden ratio this year.

But here’s the rub: for illustrating “9” they decided to represent the Pixel 6 phone’s right side in an inverted direction way. Pixels, the internet era won’t be completed with a non-pixel Pixel 9, fans raised their voice to reject this move. Peeks reveals the Pixel 9 drop occurs later this year so that Pi Day insertion is delightfully apt.

If those two admins have such a playful attitude, it won’t be surprising. Whether this confirms Google’s tradition of such hints or not, it surely is a fun way to pique interest. On top of that, we will never see the Pixel numbers being Pi again, and we suppose these will be only for the fingers and toes of the little angel 🙂

Therefore, tech-lovers are in a limbo status in their minds. Google missed a giant squircle when they chose not to give us a candy that would have fully complemented their number But this meant that the dessert would have been its best pictorial.