Google Drive gets a boost with video enhancements and smarter mobile search

Google Drive
Google Drive

Gear up for a smoother Google Drive experience! Google has rolled out a significant update that brings exciting improvements for both video enthusiasts and mobile users.

Video aficionados, rejoice! Google Drive now boasts advancements that significantly enhance how you interact with your video content. While the exact details of these video-related improvements remain under wraps, they’re sure to streamline your video management experience.

This is what Google says about it:

We enable the generation and playback of Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH) video transcodes for all new videos uploaded to Google Drive. DASH transcodes enable adaptive bitrate playback, allowing users to receive higher or lower-resolution playback based on aspects such as the quality of their local network. As a result of this change, you will also notice the following:

  • Improvements to join time (the time it takes from clicking play to starting playback)

  • A reduction in rebuffering, both during normal playback and when playing at higher speeds

But that’s not all! Mobile users, particularly those on iOS devices, are in for a treat. A revamped mobile search experience is making its debut, with plans to extend the same enhancements to the Android app shortly. This update revolves around three key innovations:

  • Filter Categories at Your Fingertips: Finding specific files just got easier. Google Drive now features readily accessible filter categories placed directly below the search bar. These categories, encompassing file type, owner, and last modified filters, allow you to quickly narrow down your search without the hassle of manual typing.
  • Predictive Filter Suggestions: As you begin typing your search query, relevant filter suggestions will appear automatically. This intuitive feature saves you time and effort by eliminating the need to type out the entire filter yourself. Simply select the appropriate suggestion and watch your search results instantly refine.
  • Refine Your Search Further: Even after reaching the search results page, you still have the option to further refine your search using additional filters. This layered approach ensures you can pinpoint the exact files you need with utmost precision.

These exciting updates demonstrate Google’s commitment to continually improve the user experience on Google Drive. Whether you’re managing videos or navigating files on your mobile device, these enhancements promise to make your workflow smoother and more efficient.