Google Calendar on Android gets a streamlined event and task creator

Google Calendar
Google Calendar

The news for busy Android consumers! With a more comfortable integration, you not only can create the events in the Google Calendar but also the tasks.

What’s Changed?

First, just like before, the new design requires you to hit the floating action button (FAB) for the event creation or change, and then you pick your action. On the other hand, whatever that is, it is no more a mountain. When you start the app to create art, you will find the second row from the top that is even underneath the title field is the one that stands out from the others. This menu gives you the convenience to change whatever you like like creating an event, or a task and also setting an out-of-office message for Google Workspace.

Benefits of the Update

The update brings a clear decision-making process and an easy and identifiable interface. Such hassles as looking through menus to determine whether there is any need to mention a meeting or put an item on the to-do list will be a sine qua non anymore. With the revised interface, you can head straight to creating some work and thus will save time that would otherwise have been spent on searching around.

Do We Care About Traditions Anymore?

For the moment, our portfolio will be topped off by the familiar floating action button. On the other hand, this amendment which Google eventually intended for deletion took these options off the probability list. To be honest, with this additional menu growth, there won’t be the necessity for one to take more steps. Adding to it is the fact that there is already a dedicated Google Tasks app for those who desire to manage their to-dos on a separate platform.

Getting the Update

Likewise, these accounts have been encountered by officials in the program for Google Calendar on Android (version 2024.07.0-608174112). If it is not fixable for now, please try rebooting the app and then force-stop it. Wait for the server-side update to be triggered.

Nevertheless, bringing this update even to the iOS has not been announced yet and only Android users can experience this time-saving way to properly organize their appraisals.