Google 2023: A banner year for zero-day exploits

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Google cybersecurity experts revealed a troubling trend: Everything from IoT devices to embedded systems is being attacked using software vulnerabilities that these hackers know about and even that they never knew existed. Didn’t even realize. In the beyond your, the range of ‘zero-day’ vulnerabilities exploited via criminals elevated with the aid of 50%, from sixty-four to 97.

It is crucial to notice that, in 2023, ninety-seven of them have been used for assaults, even as the most effective sixty-four had been utilized in 2022. These flaws, peeking right under the noses of security teams, are driving hackers to the point of madness. Access, before anyone can fix them.

Espionage was put forward as the main goal and the actors were believed to be at the top of the network from China (state-sponsored or otherwise). Their attention? Everyday devices – from smartphones to browsers and trending applications – enhance the existence of millions of users, who, as a result, become one of the main targets of cyber criminals and hackers. However, several banks said that while there has been a slight decline in financially motivated attacks, the overall threat landscape is still very worrying.

However one can find the ray of light eliminating the darkness. Tech giants like Google, Apple, and Microsoft are feeling the heat from competitors and are playing the “store vs. app” game by funding the development of their platforms. These tasks are becoming increasingly complex for attackers who want to take advantage of some other sites.

Although only a few vulnerabilities were publicly reported in 2023 compared to the impressive record number of 2021 last year, experts predict this may only be short-term satisfaction for hackers. Shifting attention from perceived visible adversaries to less visible adversaries is certainly not the end of the fight.

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