Calling all Android developers! Android App Studio Bot was already launched to make Google Assistant smarter for app development. Install the Gemini Pro plugin and start coding securely straight from your Android Studio.
Do you remember last year there was a wave of AI-based tools at the Google I/O event and a huge crowd gathered? This combined with Studio Bot served as the top best answer provided by Studio, proposing solutions right on the spot while working in your development environment. Now, it is undergoing frontal lobe implantation with the innovative and power-packed Gemini 1.0 Pro model, which shows that its response to your coding needs will be fast and highly efficient.
but that’s not all. Google is aligning its AI offerings under the “Gemsini” brand, similar to the Microsoft movement that Co-Pilot is named after. This is one-time but has a unified experience for developers when working with different devices.
Here’s the exciting part: Gemini Pro goes beyond just answering questions to identify the exact, underlying problem the customer is facing. It can look at your code and give you intelligent proposals that are specifically suitable for the project you are working on. Do you still want these prompts, but feel you should protect particular files? no problem. To avoid this a “.aiexclude” file is created that does not allow Gemini to touch certain parts of your codebase. You are always in control.
To unleash the full potential of Gemini Pro it is necessary to preview Android Studio Jellyfish to see how it works. Although Google has not yet announced pricing, developers around the world have the unique opportunity to test the system and participate in this period at no charge until June.
The story not only ends here, but it becomes a bestseller in Russian and is translated into more than a dozen languages. When it comes to building the final application yourself, Gemini has your back. The latest Android Studio Canary version known as Koala includes an upgrade, namely a project template of “Gemini API Starter”. Google’s new technology which is text- or image-based AI technology will be very easy to implement directly into your work. And, as far as you’re concerned, everything is provided as clear “Google Code Samples”, which helps you learn even more.
Then wrap it. Techno enthusiasts, think about the future of Android app development with Gemini Pro helping you!