Galaxy Watch with MicroLED: A dream on hold?

Samsung Galaxy Watch 6
Samsung Galaxy Watch 6

Samsung intends to integrate microLED displays into future versions of the Galaxy Watch, which may debut in 2025. This futuristic technology not only significantly increases brightness but also offers longevity that is far better than today’s brightening models. However, a recent twist has thrown a wrench into these plans: Apple may face a challenge in making a watch with a microLED display after announcing the closure of work on microLED and the Apple Watch.

Let’s take a look at some of the reasons why Apple’s move back is depriving Samsung of its goal. The major problem to deal with is cost. One of the main factors driving up the cost of production of microLED is the launch price of the Galaxy Watch being four to five times higher! This could significantly damage the Samsung brand and its ability to maintain market share in the watch market as Apple is already a big player.

Samsung may be less hesitant to experiment with pricing than Apple, as the latter may be under pressure to adhere to a particular price range. This wild card could lead to a rebirth of a saturated market in which new players can be separated by a narrow margin or production costs can be shifted to the even more niche market of premium smartwatches. Additionally, Samsung’s advanced display technology could potentially help pave the way and make it easier to find solutions to production issues faster.

On the other hand, no matter whether Samsung solves its production issues or not, the question of economic feasibility remains. However, now some people will start paying such a difference between OLED and MicroLED as the latter offers the highest quality the consumer has ever seen.

What happened with Apple should not directly led to Samsung’s failure, nevertheless, such an incident helps us learn lessons. Samsung faces a delicate role that requires it to choose between fulfilling its technological innovation mission and being economically viable. However, it is the 2025 LED Galaxy Watch that will either be able to be manufactured in the specified time or will remain a dream of the future bijou.