Forget Sora, this AI video is a glimpse into the future


The villagers continue to experience what they went through in the 80’s with those stupid, robots, much to the confusion of even the scientists in their research laboratories. Forget them. Figure AI has shared its brand new video that highlights all of the features of Figure 01. I can tell you that this release is nothing short of extraordinary. This is not a case of a lazy and thoughtless slave; Image 01 is a precisely engineered system that sees, interprets, and responds in quick time.

Think of a machine that can sense your desire for food, it will also understand the health options in the environment (apples) and choose the best option among them. The video presents this idea – an apple in the center of the table (video frame 01) is described by a human and represented by picture 01. It’s not just about a set of canned responses; The robot can even reason with its human friends in natural-sounding expressions!

However, Figure 01 does not provide for the only stopping point. It is also capable of showing intricacies. Be it trash or apples, it provides important insight to whoever is looking at this machine, this machine easily changes tasks and at the same time, it explains to the person watching the tasks done earlier. This language input to the language output mechanism powered by the OpenAI VLM processing module allows FIG01 not only to respond but also to analyze the interlocutors’ speeches.

It didn’t come without its “movement”; The activities are certainly just as amazing. What may be interesting is that Figure 1 does not move with a clown’s technique, but rather with a human-like fast and intuitive technique. It is realized by the combination of image recognition with high precision and real-time neural network control working together instantly.

Although the authenticity of the video may be in question (could it be a routine?), one thing is indisputable: Graphic 1. The most meaningful step in the development of humanoid robots. This shows that it has become possible to not only work together but also understand us from a human perspective and all this is done simply and easily. It’s entertaining, but it also makes us wonder whether machines will gradually take over jobs and whether we will be able to remain friends with more intelligent beings in the future.

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