Capture the eclipse with your Pixel: Google’s Pro tips

Google Pixel Camera
Google Pixel Camera

This solar eclipse is getting everyone excited, as Google’s smartphone pixel team is also here to help you capture it. On April 8, a lucky passerby across the US will witness a breathtaking astronomical phenomenon: totality where the Moon presents its surface touching the Sun.

On the other hand, although at first glance Google defends astronomy, in reality, it advises people not to do so. Totality, the only period where darkness rules the sky, is only a matter of minutes; Therefore, a long experience in astrophotography will capture precious moments of darkness. However, as you know, the Pixel is like your back.

Even though a day is away the moon will show its softness and divide the sunlight little by little. We never have to worry about adjusting the brightness level of our Pixel because, for one, it has an auto-brightness feature and for a night shot, Night Sight automatically turns on for great shots in low light. It will be done.

When the sun is slightly away from your direction, this can be a real challenge. Google adds levity by suggesting that the ideal spot to capture the sun is where “the sun meets the edge of the sky” to bring focus. You can do this by tapping and holding and then the focus point will be saved automatically. Take charge of your advanced photography. Switch to Pro Control on the Pixel app to mimic the lab setting.

It is important to maintain the stability of the smartphone to take clear photos. If this is possible for you, a tripod is perfect. If not, a 3 or 10-second timer or the Pixel Watch’s camera remote (which can work with Night Sight!) will work too.

To compose for creative effect, go to your camera settings enable a 3×3 grid, and then place the eclipse where the lines intersect, so you can take advantage of the rule of thirds. Also, become familiar with the camera app and its pro controls so you’ll be ready when the eclipse happens!

Don’t forget safety! Please, visit the NASA website for safe viewing best practices. Get this once-in-a-lifetime fix using these tutorials and your Pixel.