Apple’s AI Revolution: Unveiling an App Store for the future?


Here we are going for a big event breaker named WWDC 2024. Rummy circles are seen around Apple, which has traditionally been “careful” about whether to adopt new ideas or not, maybe on the cusp of a big AI leap – an Artificial Intelligence App Store. This would be something incredibly important that would mean Apple would be at the forefront of a very fast-moving industry.

Two possibilities emerge. is an area where artificial intelligence (AI) technologies can be found, each of which has been verified and certified by Apple’s high-end standards. This may be similar to how iTunes and the iPhone App Store changed and/or modernized the music and mobile device experience. As analysts thought, partnerships with leading software developers may have occurred, as Steve Jobs managed to get record labels to understand and embrace the phenomenon of digital downloads.

The AI App Store won’t just end with Apple innovating its existing AI (think more added features to Siri). We’ll have a hub of developers proudly presenting the work they’ve developed and a great place to sell products from minority creators. This will bring about a situation where users will be able to freely explore various AI utilities and tools for various use cases ranging from productivity enhancement to creative assistants.

According to reports, Apple has indeed established relationships with companies like Google and possibly uses Google’s AI technology to improve the Siri personal assistant. Sure, the facts are scarce, but this year’s WWDC could be the scene where the company unveils its plans for who will use AI-enabled applications. While developers will join the community by learning along the way and users will narrow their understanding of how AI can be part of their daily routines, both will walk away with much more than what they came for.

This dreamy AI app store marks a sweet transition into an era when Apple will no longer be a manufacturer of Apple hardware. This shows that they are doing it with full expectation that AI will dramatically change the way business is done and in turn, they intend to be at the forefront of leading that change in writing. Apple only has a few weeks until WWDC, so we can expect the technology business to pay attention to whether there’s a chance for smart apps now.