Apple TV: FaceTime on the big screen and beyond?


Apple’s new tvOS update offers FaceTime for the Apple TV but requires the cam to be linked to an iPhone or iPad model. Mark Gurman, a well-known Apple industry presenter, has made some conclusions that the next Apple TV model may exclude external dependency features of existing models and accept self-contained configurations with cameras built in.

This camera will not only work for more conceptual meetings. Gurman raised the idea of “gesture-based controls,” meaning that Apple TV controls could be completely replaced with the new gesture function. Figure out hand gestures that get people’s attention during video chat, allowing people to create fun effects on the screen, or perhaps control the TV using only hand movements.

Apple is not limited to living room buzz, it is expanding into much more than that. ‘Living in the projects window’ Gurman talks about a “lightweight smart display.” Imagine a small handheld decentralized device the size of a basic iPad that you would use while on the go. Thanks for displaying data and controlling connected smart home devices that make your life easier.

These may be engines of excitement but you cannot be certain of any date of entry into service. While a new Apple TV in 2024 is in the works, it may not include the same camera as rumors have said. The future of Apple TV could be much richer, and that kind of interactive entertainment will be far more common than simply showing off shows.