Android’s new “Pause” for Bluetooth makes life easier


Remember that frantic search for your earbuds before jogging that interrupts your activity, but you’re reluctant to check Bluetooth to see if it’s turned off? Android 15 is here to eliminate that frustration with a clever new feature: Wi-Fi will probably be turned off for a short period.

Some users may fear that Google is taking away their settings with this move, but on the contrary, it makes the whole process easier to understand. The “Pause” switch mode allows you to turn off Bluetooth when not needed, but reconnect it with a timer (by default, the timer is set for 5 am). This allows functionalities like Find My Device and Quick Share to still work in the background, even when Bluetooth is not always actively running.

Gone are the days of turning Bluetooth on and off all the time – one would consider this a waste of energy as Bluetooth no longer saves almost a minute. Bluetooth technology in this day and age is one of the highly power-efficient ones that enables you to send mail while using a very low battery percentage.

In addition, this way, you will save the Bluetooth “paused” instead of turning it off completely, so you can simultaneously get a quick connection with the Bluetooth of your favorite gadget. In this approach, vehicle batteries are not only recharged through traditional plug-in methods but are also recharged while the vehicle is on the road, resulting in improved convenience and battery life.

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