Android 15 introduces seamless note-taking from the lock screen

Android 15 Developer Preview 2
Android 15 Developer Preview 2

Key Points:

  • Streamlined Note-Taking Access: Android 15 allows users to launch their preferred note-taking app directly from the lock screen, enhancing productivity.
  • Developer Integration Requirements: Developers need to update their apps to support the new CREATE_NOTE intent for compatibility with the default note-taking feature.
  • Enhanced User Privacy: Note-taking apps launched from the lock screen should not display previous notes unless explicitly permitted by the user.

Android tablets, with their expansive screens, are ideal for taking notes, especially when paired with a keyboard or stylus. However, unlocking the device to access a note-taking app like Google Keep often hampers productivity. Android 15 addresses this by allowing users to set a default note-taking app that can be launched directly from the lock screen and can also incorporate screen grabs.

At the recent Google I/O developer conference, Miguel Montemayor, a Developer Relations Engineer, unveiled the “new Notes role” in Android. This feature enables users to quickly access their chosen note-taking app from any screen, facilitating seamless note-taking without app switching.

To utilize this feature, users can navigate to Settings > Apps > Default apps > Default notes app. Once set, the note-taking app can be launched by long-pressing a shortcut on the lock screen or pressing the tail button on compatible USI styluses, opening the app in a floating window.

For developers, integrating their apps with this feature requires modifying their app’s activities to handle the CREATE_NOTE intent. Additionally, these activities must be configured to show when locked and activate the screen. Developers should also consider whether the note-taking app was launched from the lock screen to protect user privacy by not displaying previous notes unless permitted.

Moreover, Google encourages developers to implement the content capture capability, allowing users to insert screen grabs into their notes. Although introduced in Android 14, these features are gaining prominence in Android 15, with Google Keep expected to support them soon. This update is set to significantly enhance productivity and privacy for Android tablet users.