Google Messages introduces edit message feature

Google Messages
Google Messages

Key Points:

  • Google Messages now offers the ability to edit sent messages within a 30-minute window.
  • The feature includes an editing history feature, allowing users to view changes made to messages.
  • While the edit message button has appeared in the beta version, full functionality may require others in the conversation to have the feature enabled.

A few weeks ago, we stumbled upon some intriguing code buried within the Google Messages app hinting at an upcoming edit message feature. Today, we can confirm that my suspicions were indeed correct. Following some diligent work by the Google Messages team, the highly anticipated edit message functionality has finally made its debut.

In the latest beta version of Google Messages (, users now can edit messages sent within the past 30 minutes. Upon long-pressing a message in an RCS chat, a pencil icon emerges atop the action row, signaling the availability of the editing feature. With a simple tap on the pencil icon, a text editing box titled “Editing message” materializes, allowing users to make necessary adjustments before hitting send.

However, it’s worth noting that while the edit message button has surfaced, its functionality may not be fully operational yet. It appears that for the editing feature to work seamlessly, other participants in the conversation must also have it enabled. In my tests within an RCS chat group, although I could edit messages, others only received the edited version as separate messages, indicating that the feature wasn’t enabled for them.

While there may still be some kinks to iron out, it’s an exciting development nonetheless. Keep an eye out for further updates, as we anticipate the feature’s gradual rollout in the beta version over the coming weeks.