Google’s upcoming rollout of Find My Device network for Android

Google Find My Device
Google Find My Device

Key Points:

  • Find My Device Network Expansion: The network of devices which is called “Find My Device”, is famous already as a tool for all iPhone owners, who use it for searching for their lost or stolen devices. The beginning date of its rolling out on Android devices in the US and Canada is about April,1st.
  • Initial Features: At the outset, we will have only Android phones and separately our tablets listed. NFC tags, to be unveiled in November’s edition, will be additional features of the flashlight.
  • Enhanced Tracking: Internet application is characterized by the possibility of locating the device, and enabling access to compatible gadgets, such as earbuds and trackers for other elements like wallets and keys.

After the first step, where Android users from the US and Canada gain access to the Find My Device network, Google has announced a phased rollout to be made in other countries, too.

By way of a mail regarding this feature, users will be informed on how to utilize it properly and the measures of encryption Google applies to protect user information. Devices, for example, can be Bluetooth enabled; they search for nearby devices and share locations with the Find My Device app when contacted.

The users will be able to allow participation; this will vary upon the location. If, for example, an area is in high traffic, then the network could be only accessible in the online version with restricted availability. In a short time, settings will be displayed via the device settings interface and thus, an option of customizing the options as seen fit will be available.

To check the status of the feature/opt-out users can visit settings > Security & Privacy > Device Finders > Find My Device / use the link provided for online settings to manage Find My Device.