Google Maps gets eco-friendly: suggesting sustainable travel options

Google Maps
Google Maps

Do you wish to maintain the environment as well as save the environment? Google Maps will serve this purpose! Something good on the way to a more travel-friendly approach, Google Maps will now offer pedestrian and public transit options along with driving directions.

Imagine you’re pre-touring to take a quick look. Apart from the usual route by Google Maps, the new addition to the route display will be a “Also consider” section that will link to bus, train, or even walking options – if their time consumption is equivalent to driving. This is a notable feature for those who do not want to contribute to carbon pollution while enjoying walking or cycling without a car.

Rolling out this update to over 15 major cities like London, Paris, and Amsterdam is just the beginning and the second pot of the City Park project will expand to hundreds of cities around the world.

Electric vehicle (EV) owners, let’s welcome a new era of fun! Artificial intelligence will also play a role in making Google a smarter tool for you. Using AI-powered summaries, the locations of charging stations, based on favorable reviews, help users. This means you may know if the charger is in a good location or if you need to go on circuitous paths where you have to visit a lot of parking spaces.

How does an EV work better for your road trips? no problem! Your selected destinations will be planned by Google Maps, which will assist with the most efficient charging stops during the journey. Thereby, a good and eco-friendly journey is guaranteed.

Do hotels with charging stations satisfy you? Today, Google implements a filter for EV vehicles on its travel resource site so that customers looking for eco-tourism can easily find them.

and that’s not all! Google continues to challenge the market by stepping up its game on the sustainability front. They have publicly released a tool that allows users to determine how much they emit during their travels. This enables passengers to understand the ecological damage caused when they decide to take a specific flight and thus allows them to choose wisely.

Search is also spiritually moving toward sustainability with Google’s sustainability partnership. Schedules and pricing for trains from 38 countries are now available, while bus routes connecting far-flung towns and cities are in the process of being introduced in 15 other language versions.

So, next time you plan to travel, try out the walking, biking, or bird-watching options gifted to you by Google Maps and Search. In essence, it brings together two distinct and mutual benefits: one for the planet, and one for you.