AI gets artistic with Amazon Music playlists

Amazon Music
Amazon Music

Get ready right now to forget all about replacing endless scrolling and let us create a playlist for you that you can be proud of, with just a few words or words that will make your face light up. Amazon Music is now up in the AI game with Maestro, a new feature that will allow you to describe your favorite music and generate an entire playlist in less than ten seconds.

Imagine a playlist that makes you cry out loud while you’re on the go or one that’s filled with sad face emojis and pasta symbols when you stop eating. Or maybe you’re like, “I want a super baby genius baby,” and there will be no order, Maestro can’t deliver from silly to perfect. Take a stroll down memory lane while listening to those hip-hop tracks.

Are you tired of the wide range of modern playlists? Recreate the one your grandparents used to have for their romantic evenings. The dance exhilaration of searching for music by filling in a few words or emojis into the app can be described as the maestro shaking up the playlist while (hopefully!) creating the perfect beats as a result.

Fans are lucky that their favorite artists are providing them with this exciting feature as it is currently in beta testing and that is why it has some bugs that need to be ironed out. Nevertheless, the untapped potential cannot be ignored. Imagine the perfect playlist for a desert road drive with a cowboy or cactus emoji. The exercise format of your collection can be great. With Maestro, spoken commands are possible, so designing a playlist is no longer a difficult art of mixing music, but just a simple conversation.

While the basic skills are attainable for free users, restrictions also exist. It is not possible to watch snippets longer than 30 seconds before saving the song, except for Premium and Free subscribers. Sometimes, this unconventional approach may force you to use your own money to get involved and take Maestro as your constant and most advised partner.

After making sure everything is fine, Maestro is now trying out some testers in the US on iOS and Android. However, there is nothing to worry too much about as Amazon is planning to roll out the beta for more music lovers very soon. Thus, here is your chance to let your inner conductor come alive, manifesting your unique blends whenever a mood or memory needs to be awakened.