Google Maps ditches its own sharing method for a smoother experience on Android 14

Google Maps
Google Maps

My favorite topic is news related to Android 14 users who can’t fully trust Google Maps. One recent change that was experienced is that Google is removing its custom share sheets in favor of using the custom share sheets that already exist in the Maps system.

However, the earlier method of teaching was not so disastrous, even though it had its flaws. Imagine a smart and simple design with the biggest screen a “Share” button at the top and your profile picture in one corner. Buttoning your contacts or searching on the suggestions list wasn’t enough because app shortcuts like “Copy to Clipboard” are hidden behind the “More” button.

The process of sharing information through new systems is continuous. Today, when you want to send a location to someone, a venue preview will appear containing the name of the location and maybe even an image. Fast and simple sharing of images via Direct Share and the convenient grid pattern for accessing your popular apps make this process easy. And don’t forget that Google Maps itself has become smarter! Another prominent share button, like the search icon, is located right next to it, saving you the hassle and unnecessary scrolling to find what you’re looking for.

It’s a mixed blessing for everyone: user-friendliness increases, and developers benefit. This assures that the same sharing experience is maintained across the entire Android 14 platform, and for Google Maps users, it comes with the option for a faster and more organized way of sharing your best places. How to check the version of your app if you are running Google Maps 11.122.x on Android 14? Even if you don’t, it already exists, so have some fun and tell your favorite spots to friends and family right away!