Be Aware! Devious phishing scam targets Apple users


Apple users beware! A fluid phishing attack is now taking advantage of an attributable vulnerability in Apple’s password reset service as well. This phishing method annoys the target with an almost never-ending stream of pop-ups on their iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, and Mac because the last step is password confirmation.

Cybercriminals try to bombard users with information and hope that users will unconsciously click “Allow” while their fingers get tired, fans will press the “Yes” button due to fatigue. This would greatly benefit evildoers by providing access to the Apple ID and leaving genuine users unable to use their accounts.

What’s particularly egregious is that these notifications disrupt other functions on affected phones, including sending texts, changing passwords, and video calling, until addressed. Now imagine getting a huge number of annoying pop-ups, which will burden your phone to such an extent that you won’t be able to use it as needed!

Is there any such scenario involving the attackers making the call appear utilitarian and claiming to be Apple Support and asking for the password as a one-time type (never give this!). They will use the leaked personal information as a main point to negotiate or ask for help, thereby exacerbating the crisis.

Many security experts believe that personal data (email addresses and phone numbers registered with Apple IDs) are at high risk of being targeted by hackers. Despite resisting disclosure of the precise technology followed for the password reset device, it turns out that they’ve observed a way to bypass the bottleneck by overflowing the method.

Here’s how to stay safe: Here’s how to stay safe:

  • Always ignore these reset password requests that pretend to be from your bank app.
  • “Do not allow” and keep going.
  • Apple will always give up and won’t try to get a one-time password from you.

By being alert and aware of this scam, you help prevent your Apple IDs and their valuable data from being taken away. If you think about any indication of the actual act. Please advise Apple only through a method authorized by the organization. Don’t fall victim to devious phishing no matter who you choose to click on!