Google Drive’s home page gets a search makeover

Google Drive
Google Drive

Have you ever had the experience of searching for an important file among the billions of files in your Google Drive and finding it to be a forest of files? Well, worry no more! The “Home” page has been improved to capture important volumes since last November and contribute to making them relevant. It helps you organize your files better.

The update introduces a search bar that has been integrated into our new “Home” view. With its old location as the last visual element in the logo having failed, the iconic search bar now has an elevated appeal as it sits right in the middle of the main content, thus being the keyword of the entire interface. This directs the “Home” page to function as the “command center” of the application, where all your files are stored. Additionally, a “Welcome to Drive” message expressed in a more friendly tone appears constantly in the interface to let you know this is a more user-friendly experience.

But the real magic is what takes your eyes to the search bar which has more features. Today, users don’t even type a word but ask and expect an exact answer. Previously, you only used words to find information. Today, you can take advantage of your inputs as well as robust search filters for searches.

The question suddenly arises whether they are the ones where you last worked and co-edited a document with your partner a week ago. DIY photo editing? No problem, choose the “People” and “Modified” filters. How to find a certain picture file? If at any time you don’t want to see another tweet, try using the “Type” filter. Filters will ensure easy sorting of different results to reduce the total number as well as the frustration you face.

The update is all about providing the missing link between your current file search and the “home” page by simplifying the whole thing. In addition to the logo of the search engine, which places the search bar always in the same place, the Home section is taken as a reference for the worker who enjoys fast and convenient file searches. And if you’re one of those people who considers the old “My Drive” as your default view, there’s no need to worry as you can make changes in the settings.

The new search bar is now being rolled out to Google Drive users and makes it easier to share the files you care about most. Whether you’re a Workspace professional or someone who has a Google Account, this makes it easy to find files. Thus, here comes an interface frame to assist and make it easier for you to search your digital document library.