Google’s AI Assistant debuts in Messages

Google Messages
Google Messages

Calling all testers! Google’s search engine runs fast, but this time the AI support called Gemini is also ringing inside a conversation app. By the way, there’s no need to navigate between dozens of screens – just talk to Gemini as if you’re sitting next to them in a Google Messages chatbox.

So, what are the benefits of good old-brain friends? Through the small search engine right in your hand, you may feel like using powerful search engines. Don’t remember last week’s email? Also, remember that emails are usually stored in folders. Procrastination on coding issues? Gemini can access both your emails and sensible bash code (although you have to make a short press to get it). It offers wide flexibility, even allowing adding images to bring high artistic standards to personal communications.

Although the effects are mainly positive, there are some things to consider. Unlike the web version, Gemini can no longer handle images (but this may happen with the next update). As we started getting answers from crowdsourced activists, we could see which parts of the sentence confused them the most. Identifying such problematic spots allowed us to modify our software accordingly. Also, the Tor browser is unsafe for group chats because it breaks encryption, so use one-to-one confidential discussions.

The best part? Has anyone ever heard that Gemini can make Google apps look great in no time? It gives effects and features integrated with messages that you can use on your cell phone without losing speed. Additionally, harnessing the potential of AI could lead to a shift towards RCS messaging, which could then lead more people to use Google Messages.

So, although there are still some improvements needed (such as end-to-end encryption), concerning the fact that messaging apps have introduced Gemini, it’s smart to text this way because it’s smarter. This is about the heart of the matter, it is about conversations in instant messaging systems and engagement in real events.