Pixel Perfect Personalization: Assign unique ringtones to your contacts

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On Pixel brands, you’ll no longer need to make impersonal calls. The search engine company has announced an exciting innovative Contact App Settings that gives the caller a personalized ringtone for every call instead of the boring generic ringtone. What used to be very narrow options in the past can now be replaced with the ability to assign specific ringtones to individuals to boost creativity.

Imagine this: Your best friend’s ringtone rings when his favorite song plays, and if you have another boss it would be much cooler to sit with him and play a cool bell instead of playing the whole song. The “Ringtones for Contacts” sub-menu is now linked to the “Edit and Manage” section of the Contacts app. Thus, you can create a unique wallpaper for your notable contacts when you sync your contacts with your smartphone.

No doubt, you’ll still be able to customize ringtones for all other contacts through the phone’s system settings, just like before. This honestly isn’t a new functionality; You are now able to do something unique that will be used specifically for such calls, making them even more special. Distinct though it may seem, it’s a clever trick that makes making your Pixel device a little more enjoyable and useful.

So, stop by the Contacts app and fire up your ringtone symphony! It’s a little improvement, but a necessary thing that can have a big impact on customer feedback at all times.